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Workshop on "Bridge Design to Eurocodes" with worked examples

The workshop on "Bridge Design to Eurocodes" with worked examples was held on October 4-6, 2010 in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology in Vienna. This workshop was the first training event organised at European level for the design of bridges using the Eurocodes.
The workshop was organised by Joint Research Centre, CEN/TC210 Horizontal Group Bridges and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and supported by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry, CEN/TC250, CEN Management Centre, the Member States and the Austrian Standards Institute.
Opening addresses were delivered by Peter Franzmayr, Austrian Deputy Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Manfred Fuchs, European Commission DG Enterprise, Jean-Armand Calgaro, CEN/TC 250 Chairman and Artur Pinto, Joint Research Center.

JRC Report: Bridge Design to Eurocodes - Worked examples

This JRC reports presents in detail the design of a bridge structure following the Eurocodes. It summarizes important points of the Eurocodes for the design of concrete, steel and composite road bridges, including foundations and seismic design, utilizing a common bridge structure as a basis. The bridge design worked example was presented at the workshop "Bridge Design to the Eurocodes", held on 4-6 October 2010 in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was organized by JRC with the support of DG ENTR and in collaboration with CEN/TC250/Horizontal Group Bridges, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Standards Institute.