Put ads to your website and Earn Money easily..
As first go to the site and register. Use below ad.
After finishing your registration, login to your Google Account and head to Gmail. On there you will can see a new Gmail. Open it and click the given link. Afterward you will pop up a log in page. So Log in now.
After log in find the AdTag option at the bottom navigation bar. Click on it.
After open that page fill the blanks like this.
Rating: Non adult
Format: Put a Advertisement’s Size
Display layer ads?=yes

Just copy all the HTML by pressing CTRL+A. So go to the your blogger or Wordpress account and head to the Add A Gadget and select on HTML/JAVA and paste it. So if you have Wordpress go to the appearance and open widget and select TEXT and paste it.
So if someone clicks on your ads you can earn money easily. Please Click on below ads and help me to continue my friends.