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Remove the Facebook Details From Google Search

Do you know, via the Google search other guys can see your details when you add details for your facebook profile only for your friends. Anyone can see your details without be a friend. Specially the profile details are can be seen on the Google search when you share it asPublic”.

Anyhow if someone don’t like to face this, follow below simple step guide and remove your pubic details from Google Search.

Step Guide –

Step 1:Log into your Facebook account.

Step 2: Head for “settings” from the bar at the bottom in facebook.

Step 3: Select the “Privacy Settings and Tools

Step 4: At the “Privacy Settings and Tools” you can see “Who can see my stuff” setting, click on “limit the audience for posts you’ve shared with friends of friends or public” and again click in Limit Past Postslike below screen shot.

So now you are done. After this, no one can find the details via Goggle Search. Ok, add your comments below about us.