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Arrow scratch test saves the iPhone 6s, dead on second attempt

Arrow scratch test saves the iPhone 6s, dead on second attempt - Arms fans and moderate mo video pros from FullMag have had another go at the fresh out of the box new Apple iPhone 6s. Presently, there's a lot of endeavored killings in the cell phone's brief couple of weeks of accessibility, yet it's continually diverting to watch a novel technique for annihilation, for this situation a Bear Archery Method bow.

The alleged scratch test (exceptional what can be mistaken for a test nowadays), has the iPhone 6s scarcely touched by the Arrow. The Ion-X glass does for sure endure a 3cm scratch, however the telephone has each shot of staying utilitarian, however it's not unequivocally appeared in the video.

You didn't surmise that the iPhone will leave this alive however, isn't that right? The second shot is pointed opposite to its back and the bowman shoots it right on, in spite of introductory cases that he's "not that great of a... bowman".

Mind you, it's not the first run through the people have brought down an iPhone 6s. On the off chance that you've missed those you can examine how 7000-arrangement aluminum charges against a 50 Caliber rifle or fluid nitrogen. Despite the fact that you're presumably getting the float.