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What is Adventures is Automation? 

My name is T.J. Maher, a Quality Assurance Engineer located in the Boston area. I've been in the software industry ever since my first consulting gig testing software at Oracle's Waltham, MA office back in August 1996. 

I started this blog last year when I was trying to figure out how to finally break into the automated testing field. I did a lot of independent research, came up with code samples, blogged about them and posted them online

When I landed a position as an automation developer at Fitbit-Boston a few months later testing their eCommerce application, I kept blogging. 

I'm still quite new at automated testing. I find myself challenged every day, grappling with topics fun but unfamiliar. I've come up with little side projects every few months to get myself up to speed in answering questions such as: 
I have been spending fifty to sixty hours a week this past year learning this new position, so I tend to write posts randomly and sporadically. Subscribing would be the easiest way to keep up-to-date with the latest projects I am working on. 

Thank you for your time! 

And Happy Testing! 

-T.J. Maher
 Sr. QA Engineer, Fitbit
 Boston, MA

// Automated tester for [ 11 ] month and counting!

Please note: 'Adventures in Automation' is a personal blog about automated testing. It is not an official blog of