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Free Up Space on iPhone/iPad on iOS 9/iOS 9.1 with Ice Cream iOS App

Free Up Space on iPhone/iPad on iOS 9/iOS 9.1 with Ice Cream iOS App - Proprietor of 16GB iPhone? In the event that yes, then you may think that its difficult to oversee space on your iPhone extraordinarily in the event that it is 6 or 6S as both catches and record 1080p video recording which consumes parcel of room. Experiment with a percentage of the tips we have shared that will offer you some assistance with freeing up space on your iPhone to take more photographs or record more recordings.

iPhone Screenshot 1iPhone Screenshot 2

Tech clients have reprimanded Apple a considerable measure for keeping the 16GB iPhone as base model on the grounds that on the off chance that we take a gander at the new elements in most recent iPhone, no less than 32 ought to have been the base model. Notwithstanding, peculiar news is that Apple is wanting to keep 16GB as base model for iPhone 7 as well.

Free Up Space on iPhone/iPad on iOS 9/iOS 9.1 with Ice Cream iOS App 

Download Ice Cream iOS App - iOS 9/iOS 9.1 

Official Website - Download
iTunes - Download

Okay, keeping these news aside and coming to principle theme, here we will impart an application to you that will permit you to free up space on your iPhone so you can use it for different purposes. Another iOS application named Ice Cream helps your iDevice to have enough free space accessible. What it really does is that it packs the pictures which makes their size little and afterward it transfers it to the cloud reinforcement administrations.

Try not to stress over the nature of photograph as it will even now be with same determination and it won't be lost, rather it will simply be packed. You will have the capacity to effortlessly recoup the full determination form.

Frozen yogurt accompanies its own cloud benefit that is the place the photographs are transferred and you can get to the first determination at whatever time by unfastening or uncompressing it from Frozen yogurt iOS application can be downloaded from App Store and perfect with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.