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How to Create a Nameless Folder on Your iPhone or iPad

Create a Nameless Folder on Your iPhone or iPad - While arranging your Home screens on your iPhone or iPad, you've presumably seen that a default name is given to every envelope when you make it. iOS won't give you a chance to delete the name and abandon it clear, however there is a trap to getting around this issue.

When you make an envelope on your iPhone or iPad, iOS gives the organizer a default name taking into account the sort of applications in the envelope. In any case, here and there you might not have any desire to allocate a name to an envelope. For instance, I need to put every one of the things on the Home page that I don't use much into an organizer on an optional Home screen without a name. I simply need to get these applications off the beaten path.

To do this, you require an application from the "Nourishment and Drink" class in the App Store. On the off chance that you as of now have an application on your Smartphone from this class, you're set and you can avoid this part. We're going to utilize the "OpenTable" application as a sample.

Presently, make an organizer utilizing the "OpenTable" application. To do this, tap and hang on the "OpenTable" symbol…


… until a round "x" catch shows on the upper-left corner of the application symbol. Continue holding your finger down daintily on the application symbol and drag the "Nourishment and Drink" application symbol over another application symbol. In my illustration, I'm dragging the "OpenTable" symbol over the "Diversion Center" symbol.

Make a point to drag the application symbol from the "Nourishment and Drink" classification over the other application symbol, and not the a different way. In the event that you do it the a different way, of the organizer will default to the classification of the other application.

NOTE: If you're utilizing an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus, don't press too hard on the application symbol. On the off chance that you do, it will actuate the 3D Touch highlight, which is not what you need. Simply tap and hold your finger down delicately.


An organizer will be made with no name. Tap on the Home screen anyplace outside of the new envelope to close it. Presently you can drag more application symbols into the envelope. You can evacuate your Food and Drink application from the envelope on the off chance that you need, or uninstall it totally. Be that as it may, in case you're going to make more envelopes without any names, it may be valuable to keep the "Nourishment and Drink" application introduced.


This trap can be utilized on gadgets running iOS 6 and later.