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30 Days of Performance Testing, sponsored by the Ministry of Testing!

From the Ministry of Testing UK Dojo:

"30 Days of Testing is back! The theme is Performance Testing and this challenge has been kindly sponsored by PerfGuild.

"Below is a list of 30 challenges and a bonus challenge, one for each day of the month. Save it somewhere. Print it out. Stick it on your wall. Let’s do this!"

"The goal is to tick off as many of the challenges as you can. You can do this in your own timeframe, or you can join us in our joint community effort. We will be encouraging others to share their progress from the 1st of July 2017.

"You may have an image to share, a blog post, a video, status update, whatever it is! Come and participate!

"Here is how you can share your progress:

... Would you like to participate? Are you part of the Ministry of Testing - Boston? Use the hashtag #MOTB to signify you are from the Ministry of Testing - Boston.

Thank you so much Joe Colantonio of and Mark from Ministry of Testing - Philly and all the rest for coming up with this original event!

Go to and print out the image found, post it on your company's bulletin board. See how many your QA team at work can do!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
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