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Stories of Software Testing during the 1990s Dot.Com Boom

I've heard it said, by Gerald Weinberg, when forming  the first team dedicated to quality and testing for NASA’s Project Mercury in the late 1950s as Manager of Operating Systems Development, that every person on his quality team was a computer programmer. The software quality assurance engineer role as we now know it was never meant to be a non-coding one... Decades after, it just happened that way out of necessity.

Although it may be fitting, then, that the lines between development and QA are blurring together, as witnessed by developments at such companies as Microsoft, Google and Spotify, this provides little solace for us QA engineers who once again must navigate a new landscape that market forces have blown together, and confront the new job requirements.

The good thing is that this time around, Dev and QA work are working side-by-side and learning from each other. That wasn't always the case.

Dev and QA: Literally Worlds Apart in the 1990s

Back in 1996  I started out working as a contract consultant in the software industry to see how I might apply my computer science degree. It was the year after "dot coms" and the investors irrationally supporting them entered the fray. I instantly fell in love with software testing as a QA engineer. I loved carefully reading the requirements for the project I was on, and seeing if there were any gaps as I manipulated the web-based product through the browser. It was intriguing, seeing if I could figure out an unplanned path through the system, causing the program to act in unexpected ways or even crash.

Coding was not a job requirement.

Demand for coders had far surpassed the supply. It would have been quite expensive at the time to have teams of developers on standby to investigate how a web-based product operated in Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari for the Mac and PC. And new browser versions with new features were being released at a rapid pace as Netscape and Microsoft competed to see who would have their way of doing things recognized as the new standard.

To be a QA Engineer, you had to be technologically savvy, smart, diligent, and methodical. You didn't have to have a Computer Science degree. A candidate with an English degree or a history degree involving research did nicely. You had to examine the business requirements and turn them into test plans, sketching out what needed to be tested, test cases that could be reviewed, and then manual test scripts other junior level QA Engineers could execute.
Dev and QA operated quite differently than they do now.
  • DEV and QA didn't work side-by-side. Each discipline operated inside its own department, communicating mainly through the bug-tracking system. QA was a team apart. Months would go by and you might not see a developer. 
  • During this time, QA was a department without a history. Outside training and networking were for developers, not for QA. 
  • Most of DEV and QA were not privvy to the early discussions on what the software product was supposed to look like or how it was supposed to behave.
The main problem was that although projects grew smaller, the development process became too cumbersome. During each phase of the project — Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification and Maintenance — artifacts and deliverables such as project plans, technical specs and database design documents would cascade down to the next phase of the project in a linear fashion, without the DEV or QA teams being able to give their input. This was dubbed the "Waterfall Method" of Software Development.

Waterfall introduced new problems for QA 

In the waterfall approach to development, business analysts in the requirements phase would draft documents detailing the requirements of the software product they would build, the purpose of the product, a software requirements specification detailing a checklist of business requirements, a high-level description of the system.

This would be handed off to the software architects who in the Design phase would write the blueprints for the product. Each software component would be sketched out, and the data structure of the database would be designed.

In the Implementation phase, the software developers would construct the software product.

Then, in the Verification phase, software testers would create test plans to describe a high-level approach on how to test. Once approved, test cases detailing more on what would be tested, and once those were approved testers would generate test scripts listing step-by-step how they would go about testing the product. Hopefully, by the time the product was ready for testing, the test plans, test cases, and test scripts would all be written.  

In the Maintenance phase, the software product would be released into the wild. The customers would use the product, and any questions, complaints, and other feedback would be gathered to help improve the next version of the product.

There were many problems Quality Assurance encountered with this method.
  • What if the reason a bug occurred was because the spec or the design of the software product was unclear? As a QA Engineer, you could try to independently read through all the previous stages deliverables on your own as they were released, to try to get a feel for the purpose of the software product ... but QA wasn't actively involved until the project was almost finished. 
  • What happens if all the preceding stages took longer than what was scoped out? It would always be easier for the time allotted for QA to be scaled back than to push back the release date. Sometimes the best you could do was to record all bugs found, triage them, and try to get them fixed in the next iteration of the product. 
  • What if there were last minute change orders? Are the test plans, test cases, and test scripts still valid when the official validation period starts? 
Development and Quality Assurance were not then integrated with one another, fostering in some places that I had worked as a consultant an "Us vs Them" mentality.

Agile: Bringing DEV and QA together

Life became better for the QA Engineer under the Agile Software Development Methodology. The same system that was developed to empower software engineers helped empower QA Engineers.
  • Whether we are examining the size and scope of our two week sprints, examining each story we need to complete, or talking in our scrum about what we did yesterday, what we are planning on working on today, we are working side-by-side with developers. 
  • Working side-by-side, DEV and QA can appreciated each others skill sets, and learn from each other, seeing exactly what it takes to code, and what it takes to test. 
As I wrote in How to pass a coding interview as an automation developer, I have personally seen the bar being raised for QA positions. Perhaps we, DEV and QA, can help each other prepare for this future together.

Happy Testing!

-T.J. Maher
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// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
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