Demo source code for "One Test to Rule Them All" was released!
Did you attend the Sauce Labs webinar, "One Test to Rule Them All" and really wished they had shared the Appium + Cucumber BDD + Serenity BDD framework sample code? Qualitest UK just did!
Happy Testing!
-T.J. Maher
Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub
// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"
- Watch the free webinar:
- See the Slides:
- View the Source Code:
Happy Testing!
-T.J. Maher
Twitter | LinkedIn | GitHub
// Sr. QA Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Software Tester since 1996.
// Contributing Writer for TechBeacon.
// "Looking to move away from manual QA? Follow Adventures in Automation on Facebook!"