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5 Recently Released iOS 9 Jailbreak Tweaks To Check Out For iPhone

5 Recently Released iOS 9 Jailbreak Tweaks - Anybody with any experience of working a jailbroken iOS gadget will more than likely confirm the freedom that they feel, additionally at the displeasure that can be acquainted when attempting with find anything average to introduce through the minefield that is Cydia.

Most experienced escape clients will have various "must have" escape changes that they right away introduce when that stunning Cydia symbol shows up. Be that as it may, finding new and effective changes that improve the experience can be troublesome.

Thankfully, we have five all the more new escape changes right here that were as of late discharged and that you might need to look at on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad. These escape changes are good iOS 9, including the most recent jailbreakable iOS 9.1 firmware.

So instantly, how about we hop right in.

Volume Mixer 2 (iOS 9) 

Volume Mixer 2 is an improved endeavor at giving control of iOS gadget volume back to the client. One of the greatest predictable terrors inside the iOS stage is that clients entirely access control particular volume yields when that direct is being used. Volume Mixer 2 hopes to change that by giving aggregate control over the volume level of every yield channel, and also transporting with various subjects and visual customizations that further upgrades the experience.


Volume Mixer 2 will cost you $0.99 and can be found under the BigBoss repo.

Airplane Enhancer 

This bundle is a super straightforward change that hopes to offer an improved ordeal for those iOS gadget proprietors who consistently utilize Airplane Mode on the gadget. The designer behind this bundles conceives it as a change "that permits you to keep Airplane Mode on for whatever length of time that you need." If you utilize Airplane Mode and scorn its impediments, then this could be the bundle for you.

Plane Enhancer is free over at BigBoss.

PowerDown Customizer

Apple plainly doesn't need you having all out control over what you can and can't accomplish on the gadget in specific regions. One of those is the means by which you shut down or reboot the gadget. PowerDown Customizer for iOS 9 tries to determine that by presenting various extra choices, for example, Reboot, Respring, Safe Mode, and to right away bolt the gadget. There are likewise extra choices that change how the choices are really displayed to the client.


The change is accessible on the BigBoss repo for $0.99.

EarthView Walls 

As opposed to trawling through your Camera Roll for a picture to use as a wallpaper on your iOS gadget, or continue downloading wallpaper applications from the App Store for extra alternatives, EarthView Walls permit clients to dole out an Activator signal to rapidly set a wallpaper utilizing pictures from Google's Earth View. The change likewise incorporates choices for having the wallpaper change naturally.

It's accessible for nothing on the BigBoss archive.


We've all accomplished this conduct inside iOS; you're listening to music, you get an approaching call, and when that call closes the music in a flash resumes playback. This change keeps that from happening by guaranteeing that the music keeps on staying in a stopped state after the approaching phone call has finished.

PauseAfterCall can be had for nothing from the BigBoss repo.