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Nuntius Brings New Features and Customization Options to Stock Messages App


Nuntius Brings New Features and Customization Options to Stock Messages App - BiteSMS was a prominent Jailbreak change that went about as a complete substitution to the stock Messages application, especially because of the stunning new components it conveyed to the table. Sadly, BiteSMS has been left obsolete for a long while, however in the event that you've been wanting to appreciate new components in Messages application then you should look at an Jailbreak change called Nuntius.

The change conveys a large group of new elements to the stock Messages application and permits you to redo its interface for another look. With Nuntius, you will be able to perform the accompanying new capacities:

  • Pin discussions with the goal that they will stay at the highest point of your discussions list. This should be possible with a tap and hold signal on a discussion you need to stick 
  • Mark discussions as read or new by swiping it to one side 
  • Conceal discussions so that nobody will have the capacity to see it. You can include or expel a discussion from the shrouded list by tapping and hanging on its cell in the discussions list. To flip in the middle of covered up and unhidden mode, basically tap and hang on the route bar 
  • Switch between SMS or iMessage by tapping and hanging on the Send catch 
  • Load a set measure of messages to anticipate having to persistently swipe down a discussion to view more messages 
  • Debilitate writing marker so others cannot see when you are forming a message 
  • Broad UI/Interface customizations 

To redo the Messages application, you'll need to make a beeline for the change's inclinations sheet in Settings. The settings are isolated into General, Conversation View and Messages View areas. Each of these areas permit you to redo diverse parts of the Messages application.


In General area, you can redo the worldwide tint shading and the route bar shading and in addition pick in for a darker console and lighter Status bar. In Conversation View, you can tweak the foundation shading and the content shading, empower seeing contact photographs and concealing chevrons and separators. In conclusion, in Messages View, you can change the air pocket shade of the sender and the collector, utilize a custom foundation shading or picture and significantly more.

Nuntius is a stunning change for getting highlights that you will really use once a day, for example, sticking discussions and stamping them as read/new. With all the customization choices that it gives, it is additionally suitable for those that might want to convey another look to the Messages application.

In case you're into try this change out, Nuntius is accessible for $1.49 on Cydia's BigBoss repo. Tell us what you think about it in the remarks segment underneath.