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Adventures in Automation is One Year Old!

Adventures in Automation is now one year old!

What a difference a year makes. When I started this blog a year ago, I was still just another unemployed manual QA Engineer attempting to make the transition to automation. It had been ten years since I studied Software Engineering back in grad school. Could I convince an employer to hire me as an automated tester, if I could prove that I knew my stuff in regards to quality assurance? I had taken a few online courses in WebDriver and posted some code samples to GitHub. Would that be enough?

My wife suggested I transfer all my research notes into a blog, and "Adventures in Automation" was born!

Although I found a position at Fitbit-Boston in March 2015 as an automation developer, I've continued to post to it every week, in order to further deepen my understanding, toying with various concepts.

Let me take you on a grand tour of what you can find here...

Software Quality Assurance

I've been working as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer since the mid-1990s. In this section, I talk about the Waterfall and Agile software development methodologies, and how software testing has changed over the years.

WebDriver, Java, and other coding languages

I've also been collecting information on Selenium WebDriver, Java, and other programming languages as I have been transitioning from being a manual tester to an automation engineer.

Selenium WebDriver

Security Testing


I joined Fitbit-Boston on March 2015 as a Sr. QA Engineer, and was ramped up to be an automation engineer within the first two months:

Programming Projects

To sharpen my development skill set, I have been working on a few side projects based on what I have learned at Fitbit:

Automate Amazon 
Dec 2015 - Jan 2016

How to develop a rudimentary automation test framework. I used as an example:

Testing The-Internet
June - July 2015

Writing automated tests versus Dave Haeffner's Login page on his test site, The-Internet.
More information can be found in the Table of Contents.

I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog as much as I have enjoyed writing it! 

-T.J. Maher
 Sr. QA Engineer, Fitbit
 Boston, MA

// Automated tester for [ 10 ] month and counting!

Please note: 'Adventures in Automation' is a personal blog about automated testing. It is not an official blog of